Breastfeeding after 12 months

Tammy • 28. Cali ☀️ Elijah’s mommy 11/22/17 💙

My son is almost 14 months and I still breastfeed him. His pedi basically told me that breastmilk has no nutritional value for him after a year except for hydration. Most of the information I found online says that that’s not true. I was wondering if anyone had any information regarding this? I plan on continuing until he weans himself, which seems like it’s slowly happening. He also doesn’t have any whole milk. He’ll have yogurt and cheese though. If it is true that breastmilk doesn’t have nutritional value for him anymore, is it ok for him to not have whole milk? What about after he weans off breastmilk? He doesn’t seem to care for it.