Freaking out about being messy?

Visceral Mercenary • May you find your worth in the waking world.

Does anyone else's December baby just absolutely lose his mind when he spills something or gets messy?

My son is beginning to worry me. He has never spilled something on purpose and so obviously, he has never gotten in trouble for spilling. Yet, if he spills a little water or gets oatmeal on his fingers, he absolutely loses it. I can't tell you how many times I've rushed into the kitchen, thinking he was hurt, only to find a small bit of water on his shirt. If he spills something on himself at breakfast, he refuses to eat or be in his high chair for the rest of the day.

His little brother is four months old and God forbid he spits up or I drop a crumb on him while breastfeeding because his big brother will just lose it.

I'm going to bring it up with his doctor at his next appointment, but I wanted to know if anyone else is dealing with something similar.