Oh for the judgement...

This is going to grab so many judgemental comments and shaking heads and whatever else.

Thats why its anonymous.

I don't know what to say.

My friend is with a guy. Hes a good dude for the most part, kinda slacking in some things but otherwise she has no complaints.

She is amazing. Super doting, always surprising him, visits him on his breaks, you name it.

The two of them are expecting their first child together. Both beyond excited for it.

Well a couple months ago they got into a domestic dispute, he was heavily drinking and strangled her multiple times, the cops were called, he was arrested and released on bail, hes since gone to AA meetings, is on medication for his mental illness (has bipolar, depression, and anxiety), and sees a therapist regularly.

She's trying to be there for him while he goes through this, but shes also super hormonal and rages often when things are off. Like I said, dudes great but lacking in some departments.

For the most part they're on the same work schedule, he has more time off though. Her complaint a couple days ago was she came home from a hard night at work, he promised her back rubs and cuddles and nothing to worry about when she got in, but once she got home, he was ready for bed and struggled to stay awake. He had taken sleep aids before she even got there.

Naturally she was hurt and called me crying (which I am helpless as we are in seperate states💔), this isn't the first time hes done this, and she felt let down.

Shes messaged me today and apparently hes been talking to his therapist and friends about HER and they all tell him to dump her. SHES PREGNANT WITH HIS CHILD, GUYS!!!

He told her she was an ungrateful, crazy, psychotic bitch and he should leave her like everyone has told him to.

Prior to that night when the cops were called, they were the ideal couple, made everyone sick with how good they were together. Post that night, shes struggling to heal.

I see both sides as yes shes testy, but shes also pregnant. I dont honestly know how shes still with him but I understand for the kids sake, I guess.

What I'm hoping for with this post is what advice should I give her?? She cant do therapy yet as shes not covered for it and the state shes in doesn't offer much in the way of affordable mental health. But is there anything I can do to help her??

Maybe help her be more patient with him and heal as well so they don't keep fighting?

It can't be good for her baby, right??