Help, need advice.

Well today my boyfriend and I got in a fight, blah blah doesn't matter. Anyway it was a stupid fight and not serious but my boyfriend got extremely mad and his helping his brother move so he decides to start questioning our relationship and whether we should continue, and all these reasons he wants to break up through text. I asked him to call me multiple times because I do not feel that's a conversation to have through text. Anyway I asked multiple if he was breaking up with me or not because he wouldn't straight out say it and then he wouldn't answer that question and I asked him to call me and he said I can't call you right now I can't talk helping brother move. So after him not texting for a good 45 minutes and leaving me with a broken heart wondering if we're break up he texts me and says no he was just mad. I'm heart broken he even had that thought over a stupid fight. Do you think he was serious or just upset? Or does he really wanna break up but not say it? I'm confused.