Did I do the right thing?

I broke up with my boyfriend well ex four days ago because I thought I was doing the right thing. I have been missing him like crazy. I just feel like calling him and asking him if we can just talk things out and get back together.

The reason why I haven’t done it is because I feel like he will not answer my call, probably blocked or deleted my number or he will just say no.

I broke up with him because I felt like I was on his way for better things. I felt that probably 2-3 times throughout the relationship but he would assure me that i wasn’t. We have been arguing lately. We got in a bad argument on Monday night and that’s when he said that he felt like I was on his way. He said he wasn’t telling me to make me feel bad. That I knew that he loved me.

That broke me and without thinking I told him that I didn’t wanted to be on his way and I wished him the best.

So I thought I was doing the right thing, but now I’m not so sure I could’ve told him that I was sorry and was going to encourage him all the way. That instead of being on his way I was going to push him forward.

Idk? Did I do the right thing? Should I try contacting him? Or just move on. Also have in mind that I usually see him 3 days a week.