
So I’ve talking to an old ex-boyfriend from 5 years ago. He’s the rescue swimmer for the coast guard. He’s deployed in Petersburg, AK. Can’t wait to leave cause there is nothing to do and he’s all by himself. He is supposed to come home in March. Well everything has been going great we FaceTime almost every night when we can if he’s not busy. Well Wednesday he found out he will not be coming in March and his date got delayed to come. So I was understanding about it, I tried to comfort him I can’t imagine how he felt. He said he wanted some space so I did so and gave him so. He txt me the next day (Thursday) that there is just some shit going in life and he doesn’t want to talk about it. I said okay that’s fine we don’t have to at all. So we FaceTimed last night and the subject kind of came up and he says that something happened in the CG and doesn’t want share with me what happened, not confidential he’s doesn’t want to say. He said only 2 guys in the CG know and he wants to keep it that way. NOT EVEN HIS OWN FAMILY KNOWS. So I was understanding about it, I don’t need to know. But it almost seemed like someone is holding something over his head cause its effecting him being able to come him. So FaceTime other than when that came up was going great we were laughing and having fun. He had to go cause it was time to FaceTime his family so we said bye blah blah blah. Well then I get a text from him and he says that he’s sorry but, we can’t talk anymore but, I’m always here as a friend if you need anything. And he assisted there is no other girl. I believe him he is very loyal person and a very religious person. As you can imagine I was hurt because everything was great and I was just so confused because we were just FaceTiming and everything was going so great. What could it be? Suggestions...

He’s 20, he’s not married either and I’m 21.