My son is newly diagnosed autistic🧩long post

which we are new to all of this now. He will be 3 in March and I still can’t seem to get him off of his bottle. 😞 It’s effected his teeth and he needs the front top 4 teeth replaced (which he has an appt for in a week or two) but it breaks my heart. 😞

He doesn’t like to eat food really at all or watch other people eat. Some days I have to give him Pediasure because he refuses to eat and he’ll only drink milk or Pediasure or Pedialyte out of his bottle. He will drink water from our cups or water bottles but never drink water in his bottle.

I’ve tried all kinds of cups. I’ve looked a bunch of them up online but he doesn’t seem to like any of them and he will just hold the cup and if I try to help him drink it he’ll just scream and cry.. Last night when he woke up he was damn near hyperventilating/crying for his bottle which I had to give him a bottle to calm him down 😢 What should I do? I’ve tried the 360 cups and he hates them and he doesn’t know how/ doesn’t want to drink out of a straw yet.. I keep trying but he just refuses and screams.

I love him and want to help him get off of this bottle and I know the doctor and dentist think I don’t even try but I do try all the time and it breaks my heart to see my son just go without and be extremely dehydrated. I don’t want to take him to the hospital for extreme dehydration 😞

This is the most difficult thing with my son he used to eat but around 2 years old just stopped eating the foods he used to eat. He would gag, cough, or throw up to get us to stop feeding him.. now he only wants to eat Mac n cheese, scrambled eggs or tiny cheeseburgers from fast food sometimes spaghetti.. I know these might be sensory issues and we’re doing everything we can to help him.

Any other moms or parents go through this or do you know anyone who has? Do you have any advice for me? I don’t know what to do anymore I’m at a breaking point please help 😢