Possible Body Dismorphia

I've been small my whole life due to genetics and a high metabolism. I've heard it all: anorexic, bulimic, eat a sandwich, etc. And it is damaging. People don't get that skinny shaming hurts, too.

After giving birth, I fluctuated in the 90-95lb range. I'm only 5'3 btw.

I quit watching the scale and watched how I felt in the mirror. I felt bad and then at the doctor they said I was 98lbs.

This sent my depression sky high. I only weighed that much when pregnant and I cannot be pregnant.

I've been wondering if maybe I have what's called body dismorphia. It's where you become fixated on something you find flawed about yourself. For me it's my stomach area...

Edit: I just wanted to add that I do see a psychological doctor and counselor and I wasn't asking anyone to diagnose me on here. This is confession, correct? So I was confessing something I'm worried about bringing to friends and family