Low Sex Drive Affecting Relationship.

So me and my fiancé been together for 4 years. Before we had my daughter we would have sex like everyday and it was all great. A year into our relationship we got pregnant. I had a lot of complications during pregnancy throwing up my PH balance a lot so it would cause me to get a lot of yeast infections, especially if I had sex. We would always take antibiotics but my OBGYN basically told me it was just the way my body reacting to the pregnancy. Okay so I gave birth and the infections were gone but right after giving birth I got on the IUD birth control. Idk if it was the birth control but my sex drive was out the window. Seemed more like a chore other than anything. Now don’t get me wrong I enjoy having sex with my fiancé but it’s not like before where it was and all the time thing. Now my fiancé works 1 week on and one week off so I don’t sleep with him every night also. And with parenting and what not you know life happens so it just wasn’t an every night thing. But I didn’t think much of it. Till last night he went out with his friends. And he came back really upset. After awhile of trying to ask him what’s wrong he finally told me that all his friends (in a relationship) had their “side bitch” there at the party. And they were all encouraging him too cheat of go find a girl. He’s like a I trust you enough to have this conversation. And he said he was denying but he started to think that all these ppl getting laid gf/wife/side girl and EVERYBODY but him is getting “laid”. Now I’m on my period so he knows I don’t like having sex while on it but it was like it was seriously making him upset. He’s like I tell you everyday you’re beautiful and I love you and you push me away. He started saying I have intimacy issues and saying I like doing everything alone. Then he started to say I don’t make him feel wanted. Now I love this man with my dear life. And obviously it hurt that he told me this. But he was saying I’m so sorry that we need to have this conversation but you need realize what you’re doing. And I know I can be like hat I’ve always been like treat I guess “cold” not the romantic type. He’s like we’re great parents but we need to be great partners.

Now I removed my IUD back in September thinking that was true problem with my low sex drive. And it didn’t change a thing. I tried telling him that even though I loved pregnancy and everything I HATE my body the way it is now I don’t feel sexy, I don’t want him turning on the lights like before. I ended up with a c section so although the scar is small I hate it. I hate the way my nipples changed and I hate the stretch marks I got in my belly. And I know that plays a lot in my low sex drive. It when I said that it seems too trigger him more and said I was just making up excuses. Because HE tells me how beautiful I am everyday. I tried explaining to him it wasn’t about him. That nothing he’s doing is wrong it’s just me and I have to work out with it. But he seems to not understand.

How can I make him understand me?

Or how do I stop feeling this way? How do I make the low sex drive stop 😩😩

Sorry for the long post. Just don’t have anybody to talk about this with.