After 4 years of trying


My sons birth 39weeks

We went to the hospital on November 21st at 10pm to be induced due to high blood pressure. Nurse placed the cervical pill to thin my cervix at 11pm. I had another placed at 4am. Contractions started not long after. On call dr came in and talked to me around 9am about my blood pressures from the night. We talked about checking where I was in dilation with the contractions going. He checked me around 1130am and I hadn’t dilated. He suggested going to the operating room for a c section beings I had already given it 12 hrs. I chose to try a cervical balloon and keep trying. Around 1 my blood pressure sky rocketed to 160/110 and they gave me blood pressure medication. And they began watching rykers heart beat and the contractions. Dr came in about 4pm and talked about if we didn’t dilate any farther what our next step would be. I agreed depending on where I was dilated at we could end up in the operating room. The on call dr called my OB and scheduled the anesthesiologist to be on stand by. Around 5 they noticed Rykers response to the contractions were a little slower then they wanted. 530 he removed the cervical balloon and noticed I only dilated half a centimeter. At 550 my dr walked in my hospital room to tell me she was there to help with my c section. Around 6 I was escorted to the operating room and my husband and sister met me in there about 10mins later. At 653pm our son had his first cry! Weighing 8lbs and 20.5 long