Surprisingly fast labor, baby arriving on her due date! **LONG**



Sunday night, January 13th at 10 pm we arrived at L&D to be induced (I had already been having painful ctx all day). We get there, get checked in and while they’re trying to get an IV started I start breathing heavily and get a bit panicky because they keep sticking me with no luck and this causes baby’s heart rate to drop and me to get even more panicky! The out 02 mask on me and have me flipping back and forth from side to side and they’re pressing on my belly and finally (after what seems like forever) her heart rate comes back up. Then around 2 am the nurse checks me and tells me I am 2 cm dilated and she inserts a cytototeck to get the induction started. She comes back in around 6 am to check me again and by this point I’m barely making it through the ctx. They hurt so bad I’m moaning and nearly howling through them. She tells me I am only 3 cm but offers to have anesthesia to come give me an epidural already (they couldn’t come bc it was shift change and I had to wait on the day shift anesthesiologists to come in). Then around 8 am my day shift nurse comes in to check me and says I am 8 cm! By this point I am crying and nearly yelling through each ctx. So she gets the anesthesiologists to come give me and epidural and he says he’ll give it to me but it isn’t going to work it’s full effect bc it takes two hours and obvi I don’t have 2 hours. Then around 9 am the doctor comes in and checks me and says it’s time to start pushing! At 10:18 am I had my baby girl and let me tell you... I felt every bit of it and it was like no other pain I can describe but oh so worth it! Only one stitch on my labia and one on the inside and a healthy 7 Ib 2.2 oz baby girl!

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Posted at
I’m due in 4 weeks and want to try to go natural. How did you get through the pain?!? When was it the worst? Im so curious if I’ll be able to get through it!


Kristina • Jan 22, 2019
😬 thanks for the advice!


Kristina • Jan 22, 2019
Thanks for the advice!


Kristen • Jan 20, 2019
Kristina. My first delivery was natural, vaginal. You can absolutely handle the pain. Different things work for different people. I LOVED laboring in the tub. The hot water helped so much. I had very quiet worship music playing. Lights out. When contractions picked up and it was push time (1.5 hours of that!) I made sure to do low groans instead of high pitched screams. One of the best pieces of advice! If you scream you’ll tense up more and it’ll be more painful. Breath and low sounds throughout! 👌🏼 You can do it!! Also, this next time around I plan on diffusing oils and using different oils throughout L&D and of course recovery!


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Congrats Haley!! L&D is one of the most intense moments of your life but also SO empowering. And holding that sweet baby is a pretty great reward!