Scary night

Amber • SAHM to a beautiful, smart, energetic 2 year old boy and his newborn brother!!
Tuesday, I had started spotting light brown mostly when I wiped, so I called my dr and the nurse said it was normal and not to worry. Wednesday, no spotting, but was feeling crampy off and on all day and when I went to lay down for bed, had severe pain for several minutes but it went away. Yesterday, I was feeling crampy again and around 5pm, I had several big clumps of dark brown discharge. Went to the er fearing a mc, and after several hours, blood and ursine tests, and an ultrasound, we found out that baby is fine and I have a severe uti. That's what was causing the pain and bleeding. I had no symptoms of a uti though! Super scary night, for sure, but so thankful that Jellybean is ok! Measuring 13+4, which is a couple days ahead of my edd. Heartbeat was good and strong at 160bpm and baby was such a wriggle worm!!