My little secret...

I've tried a certain medicine over a year ago, it's not really a recreational, actually it helps get off of the recreational drugs, so, if you know what it is, then you know. I tried it at first, and couldn't believe how focused it made me, how much energy it gave me. Ever since, I've been taking it everyday, now I just don't feel the energy anymore, like I've become immune to it. I'd have to take more than I usually would to help me focus and get through the day... Yes, I've become dependent on it, and it's not prescribed to me... I don't buy it, it's given to me, knowing how dependent I am on it... Well, now I want to stop, STOP completely! It's so hard, I'm in so much pain, I don't have any energy, I haven't moved in 2 days, though my mind tells me I want to do things, I really should get moving, my body is telling me otherwise. I know I made a bad decision trying it and continue to take it, but I know it's the right decision to stop. I just want the withdrawal feelings to stop. Any suggestions? I really don't want to say what medicine it is, because I don't want younger girls to think it's ok to try just to get some energy or anyone to try to focus. Please help?