Just had a MC last week.

Courtney • Girl mom of 2💕 and our 👼🏼 01/15/19 Due October 2021

I have happy healthy almost 6 year old girl from a previous relationship, and my husband and I just got married back in October. We knew we wanted to try for a baby right away. We ended up pregnant in mid November, and I just lost it last week. It stopped growing at 6 weeks. I went through with a D&C, and everything went fine. I will not feel complete until I am pregnant again. My doc said to wait until after my period comes to try again. Just needing some positive vibes and prayers. I took an ovulation test today just to see if I was passing an egg anytime soon, and I got a positive test! So hopefully I start my period next week sometime, and we can give it another shot!