Amy • Single mommy to a handsome boy and currently expecting baby #2!
I'm 12w5d and I have hardly any symptoms of pregnancy. No morning sickness, can't tell if I feel my uterus, no fetal movement, no frequent urination. Only thing I still have is the dizziness and constant headache. Idk what is going on or if the baby is okay. I've been under a lot of stress and having trouble with my glucose levels and protein in my urine. I have heard of silent miscarriages. I'm just really scared. I almost want to go to the hospital and get checked but I don't want to subject my baby to all the sickness. It's getting worse this time of year and I just don't want to risk it unless I absolutely have to. My next ob appt isn't until September 16th! Idk what to do! I don't have a fetal Doppler. I'm just really scared because I've had so much happen. My mom passed away, I got hospitalized for A severe uti and renal failure, I found out I was pregnant, my heart rate is sky high when I walk and my family Dr is worried, failed the 1 hr glucose test. Now gotta take 3hr test Tuesday, and my donors family has been hell to deal with and my donor is out of my life and I'll make sure as best I can he has nothing to do with this baby. He is psycho and has subjected me to stds so I have to take a std screening when I go back to my ob. Please tell me what's goin on :'( I'm terrified I've lost the baby.