I think my 9 month old sleeps too much?


Well almost 10 month old.. she will be 10 months on the 28th..

My child... Goes down for a nap 2 hours a day.. which I have to go wake her up from naps... Or she could easily sleep from 1-4.. which my husband has let her do when he has watched her and I'm out of the house.

But she goes to bed at like 6:30/7, sleeps through the night until 8 the next day.. which I go in and wake her... But she'd happily stay in her crib until 10 am (and has when I've been sick)

I'm just worried.. that she's not getting enough interaction during the day though.. I mean she's advanced for her age... Has been crawling since 5 months is able to feed herself with a spoon, able to drink from a cup.. says a few words (mama, dada, Izzy, salmon, another, hair, sit, milk) and can sign a few things like more, no, and yes.. but im concerned that she's sleeping too much. My husband loves to sleep... He could sleep an entire day away.. I however can't.. and I thought.. well maybe she just gets it from him..but idk it's just weird to me..