How far along do you think it’s safe to announce your pregnancy?

I keep seeing that once you get to 15 weeks any risks drop tremendously

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Announce whenever you want, risks will stay until the day you give birth and hold your baby. There’s less a chance of an early miscarriage after the first trimester but regardless, you can announce whenever you are comfortable. I did once I saw the heartbeat at 6 weeks!


ash • Jan 22, 2019
I’m do on the 8th! So exciting! Not looking forward to a hot pregnant summer though😂


Emilie • Jan 22, 2019
I’m due the 10th I believe! :) it’s actually my second I forgot to change mommy of 1 to 2 lol!!


ash • Jan 22, 2019
What day are you due in August? I’m also expecting my first baby!


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After the first trimester - 12 weeks - is typically what I hear and what my husband and I agreed on.


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I announced to the soon to be grandparents as soon as I had an ultrasound and confirmed baby had a heart beat and was growing well. The rest of the family found out in the second trimester.


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I did at 11 weeks, my husband and I felt comfortable enough at that point.


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I announced with my first as soon as I found out st like 4.5 weeks and I announced this time at 8 weeks


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No point in pregnancy is safe! It may drop a bit but does t mean your safe announce when you feel like it hun and when your ready you will always have that worry x


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I announced very early but that was just my personal choice. Really whenever you feel comfortable. There's no law that says when you have to announce.


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My husband and I talked about waiting till 12 weeks to post on social media but our closest relatives know already like parents and siblings. I’m currently 10w and 2d and I don’t want to wait any longer! Just have to tell his dad and step mom tomorrow then we are announcing ❤️


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I announced mine both at 6 weeks