Ok ladies I’ll be 29 weeks on Friday and let me just say, I’m ready for eviction! Even in the calmest of moments something always gets to me! The crying the hormones are out of control. My husband gets majority of the mood swings because I still want things done a certain way( like cleaning the bathroom and keeping the dishes clean)

we have a two year old that I have a routine (bath and bed) and I pretty much do it alone every night no help or even an attempt. This afternoon I asked if he would start dinner because once I get off from work and pick up the baby from daycare I’m pretty sure I’d be tired. No response. Just happened to check in on my home camera and boom he’s there on the phone but hasn’t responded to my nice request to start dinner . My mood swings are clearly for a reason.

I have help with our two year old but for goodness sake you are the other parent! Ladies, suggestions? Should I take a weekend to just decompress, get a sitter and just relax?