Need serious help!

I am literally in tears right now. Every night I have these weird vivid dreams and I have just been dealing with them until last night...

I had a dream that my husbands family (who I love) took my baby and I spent DAYS trying to get her back. Begging and pleading and her father just left to cheat (he is very faithful) instead of helping. After days and days of pleading and having pain of not being able to nurse I finally found them in a house and had to take my baby back by force. (not going to say how). I woke up in tears sobbing.

I love my In Laws and my hubby is s sweat heart. Am I the only pregnant mommy having crazy person dreams? Cause I don’t know if this is just passing or I need to get legit therapy. My hubby just held me all morning as I try to erase the memory of the dream.