Big pregnant &Food stuff

Isleen • Mama of 2 beautiful babes & one angel in heaven 👼

So, I normally love to cook and get creative and bake and all. I take pride in my home cooked meals. But being nearly 37 weeks pregnant I find it harder and harder to even have the energy and creativity to do it. I also have a 1year old who is constantly wanting small meals and snacks all day. So I focus on feeding him mostly then whatever is for breakfast and dinner I try to have my husband help.

Today I made blueberry French toast with turkey bacon on the side. My husband made us coffee. Almost half way into our meal he gets up to make himself a Veggie sandwich.

I’m a little disappointed that he did that. It’s fine he wants to eat more, no problem. But i had a hard time with energy on what to make. I just feel that it wasn’t good enough. And I wish he would have told me. I would have tried especially if he would have told me what he wanted instead.

AND that’s that I asked him what he wanted... he said French toast and bacon were fine... maybe it’s just my pregnancy hormones. Now he’s mad at me. He’s upset that I’m bothered.

And I told him politely that I wish he would have told me he wanted something else.

Any feed back is greatly appreciated. Being so huge and contracting already and running around with a toddler just add to my day... 😞