Advice Needed Please

I had vfls at 13dpo and 1 vfl the day AF was due in December. Then got my period the day AF was due. I had some cramping the same day. Now I am 13dpo and cramping again but I got these test this am. Do I have anything to worry about? I'm really hoping this one sticks. I also had a miscarriage on 9/3/2018 @ 6 weeks and 2 days pregnant.

These 2 pics are from this am.


So, I started bleeding 2/1/2019 and went to the ER. They couldn't confirm a miscarriage and said my levels were at 35 and to retest HCG in 48 hours. I bled not heavy, no cramps and no clots for 3 days and spotted for 1 week. In 1 week they went up to 55 and last week they went up to 256. They still can't see anything on the ultrasound except for a thickened area. So, we are watching numbers and praying for the best. I know my chances are low but I'm keeping my head up. At least I'm still pregnant. 😉

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You just never know. It's so hard to. Tell.just know that you can't stop it if it goes bad. So for now. Be positive. Maybe test. I could call Dr immediately tomorrow and ask for blood. Make sure they check your progesterone too. Congratulations mam!! I'll send u positive sticky bean vibes!


Theresa • Feb 12, 2019
:(How many days apart were the tests? I'm. So sorry. This all sucks so bad. I just went through this twice before my current pregnancy. Please find out what the progesterone number was. I am confident that it was the culprit for my two losses


Lynn • Feb 12, 2019
They checked my HCG and progesterone levels last week. My HCG only went up from 32 to 55 and my progesterone levels are low too. My doctor said it doesn't look good and that this probably isn't a viable pregnancy. I am waiting for my body to pass this naturally. I had bleeding on 2/1- 2/3 and it stopped. That's why I got the blood work done last week. I feel great. I just can't stand this waiting thing.


Theresa • Feb 1, 2019
I'm so sorry. It is so difficult. Have them check your progesterone.