The black sheep

It really makes me sad that for some reason I’ve always been the black sheep of my family. I’m always supportive and caring of them but I don’t always get the same love in return. I’ve always done my own thing. I’m in process of starting my own business .

All of my siblings have children. I have 2 and a baby girl in heaven. I’m pregnant which caught me off guard lol but it’s sad to know everyone is talking about me behind my back. My kids have the same father I don’t understand the issue. My mom says “you’re a great mom but ...” they don’t feel like I should keep having children because I get really sick,but morning sickness doesn’t last forever mine only lasts about 5-6 months.

I feel like this pregnancy they wanted to me to go another route but I’m never aborting a child. We can take care of our children. As we’ve been. My youngest is 1 she says her alphabet , counts to 20 knows lots of her colors and her name. I invest in my children and make sure they are happy and healthy and educated. Ny family is more concerned about the business I’m starting and it blowing up so they can get from me, than my feelings and it’s sad.

Just venting sorry for the long post. Maybe it’s my hormones that have me on a crying spree.