I'll never get married. 😢😔

VeeNikk • Raquel 🌻Marco🐊

I've been with my Kids dad for 4 years. Expecting baby number 3 in July. My kids are 4 and 1. He's just the most uncaring person I've ever met. He ruins anything that makes me happy. Like he ruined my son's birth my whole pregnancy and even the hospital stay. He's never in 4 years gotten me a gift. He 2 years ago bought me his mom and sister mothers day cards. He gave them theirs on mother's day. Not me tho. I didn't say anything either then 4 days later he tried to hand it to me didn't even write in it or take it out of the plastic. I said "Damn you didn't even write in it like no name or anything" he grabbed a pen and started writing I grabbed it and ripped it up. I've gone out of my way to make holidays special birthdays special. I cook and clean I'm the bread winner as he sits home on his ass. He won't take the trash out for weeks at a time so I just started doing it. I had to take a 2 week break off work just to clean my house and get my kids back on a schedule. We've never celebrated an anniversary. And in December on my birthday he didn't even remember it was my birthday until I came home with a cake and gifts from my parents. Guess what he did while I was at my parents for my birthday? He was jacking off to my stripper sisters twerking videos on Instagram. He has hidden 4 different cell phones 2 within this past year because I've caught him talking to prostitutes and on my sister's dovish media accounts. He keeps trying to get I touch with 2 prostitutes he used to sell pills to and he jacks off and takes screen shots of their pictures. They both have profiles on escort resume.com and he downloaded theor profiles. He looks up my sister in laws friends he fucked to keep up with their lives. But he gets mad that I won't trust him. This is the longest relationship I've ever been in. But he's literally willing to risk it all just for a prostitute. He has no boundaries and absolutely no respect for me. He won't even talk about things like it's all one sided and I'm tired of forcing a relationship that he doesn't want and I just can't care about anymore. I wish he would just move out. But I'm moving before the baby gets here and I told him he can't move with us. I'm going to give him 500$ from my income tax and then that's it. He's been applying for jobs and I guess he's moving in with his sister. He is a piece of shit. He even let's his mom disrespect me. And she's made public posts about me and everything is lies and I call her out on it. She will tell him the truth but he will still try and say is true. Lol I'm done.