Anyone else hoping for a positive ovulation test?

Kristy • Married the love of my life🤵🏻👰🏻4/21/18. Lost our angel baby at 11 weeks👼🏻 12/6/18. Had my rainbow baby boy👶🏻 3/27/20. Lost our 2nd angel baby boy at 21W3D 6/3/2022 👼🏻. Pregnant with rainbow baby #2.

I miscarried naturally from a blighted ovum on 12/6/2018. To my relief and surprise, AF came on 1/16. I stopped bleeding this past Tuesday. I still have some hcg left from the last pregnancy. My last blood work put me at 27. I keep getting faint positives on the FRER but I got a negative on a digital pregnancy test, so I know my hcg is at least below 25. I have one more apt. for blood work next week but I’ve started taking opk’s to make sure I catch my lh surge so hubby and I can try again right away. Praying for and sending baby dust to all of you and your rainbow babies.