That was scary!


I’m 22 weeks and a teacher and all day long my left chest and left shoulder blade was hurting. Like sharp squeezing And radiating pain. Obviously I am freaking out worried about my heart and baby. Finally it got so bad around 1:30 that I told the school nurse. She called 911 and they came without sirens to just check me out. Did several EKGs, blood pressure, and blood sugar. EKGs all normal, blood oxygen normal, blood pressure a little high but that made sense since I was getting an EKG in the freaking teachers lounge lol. Blood sugar normal, too. They say could be stress related? No idea.

I’m glad I’m not dying and baby is okay but it still hurts SOOOO bad. My shoulder and chest hurt every time I exhale. I’m at home icing now. If it doesn’t get better I may need to go to the doctor I guess and see what is causing this pain. Anybody else having shoulder blade pain? It is truly awful and not like any pain I have felt before.

That was so scary and stressful. I’m glad I work at a school with lovely coworkers.