
Ok so there’s this guy I really liked but we stopped talking for a few reasons and he had a gf when i came back and it took me forever to get over him bc i liked him so much. My friends would bug me about it but i have just recently made sure i was over him. My group of friends hangs out every weekend and tomorrow night they’re hanging out but they invited him so he is gonna be there. Which i would enjo seeing him bc we are still really good friends but his gf is also gonna be there. Ig im scared that if i see him again bc i think I’m gonna fall into that same hell hole. What should i do? Also beforehand I’m going to hangout with another group of people with another guy friend and one of my besties said i should bring home to see if my old crush would get jealous of not...which i dont know if i should i feel like it’d get awkward quick....then she said I wouldn’t bc I’m not over the old crush but then i found this...

This describes it so perfectly that i dont know what to do. Should i even go hangout with them?