Bleeding after sex?

Me and hubby are pregnant with baby #2. And I know bleeding after sex can be normal but I can’t remember. Me and hubby had sex in a new position and I was bleeding when I went to restroom after, and a couple of more times after wiped. It’s a red color. Can anyone give me some advice? Is it okay to be bleeding red for a little while after you go to the bathroom after sex? I’m terrified. I’m almost 20 weeks pregnant

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Light red spotting is normal for 24 hours after sex is what my ob told me.


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Yeah basically spotting after sex is normal as you have so much more blood flow in that area, and as a result you’re more sensitive, and easily irritated 😊I got it mainly from 20 weeks onwards once there started to be more pressure on my vagina from my growing uterus 😊


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That’s why we don’t have sex every time I’m pregnant. Instead we relieve and love in other ways. Just too complicated for me


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As long as your not bleeding heavy hun or have any cramps I wouldn’t be to concern but does mean you have to have more gentle sex.. 😊 everything more sensitive up there to much friction can cause a little bleed..