Baby Shower



This is a two part question. For reference, I’m approaching the start of my third trimester.

1. When would be the best point to have my baby shower (in terms of weeks, ie. 34 weeks, 36 weeks, etc.).


2. How soon before the baby shower should invites go out?

This is my first baby, and first shower I’ll be attending! I know my mum is desperate to throw me a shower but they weren’t really big back when she had my brother and I so neither of us is clued in on when it should be.

If it helps, hubs and I haven’t done/aren’t doing a gender reveal party, naming announcement or any other event that seems to be the norm overseas.

Thanks in advance! 👍🏻

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Posted at
34wks sounds good in case you go into labor early. It also gives you time to organize everything. I sent invites out like a month in advance because my family is crazy busy and most of my friends take call at the hospital on weekends so they needed to plan a month in advance. Also give people time to find/order/make gifts that are more personal. Have fun!


Posted at
Hey hun, we just had ours at 33w because Aussie summer is brutal 😂 so I didn’t want to go any later, and Christmas threw a bit of a spanner in the works with being able to have it earlier. Regarding invitations, I would think about your guest list, if they’re typically 9-5 they won’t need more than four weeks, if they’re shift workers / retail etc give them six weeks so they can request being off or swap if needed. If you’re due start of May, by end of March is a nice time to have had it - enough time to wash the little clothes and gifts you’ll receive and motivated enough to organise everything in the nursery. Plus it won’t be anywhere near as hot then and you’ll still have energy!Not sure if you’re planning ladies-only or what but we did a good old BBQ and invited all our friends and relatives both make and female. Snacks and soft drinks provided, but had everyone BYOG. We did a little homemade recipe batched up as a thank you, another idea I liked but was too expensive with our amount of guests, is a mini prosecco to take home and ‘pop when baby pops’, Dan Murphy’s do cases of 24 for about $75.


L • Jan 26, 2019
Sorry for the multiple comments, it cuts out at 2000 characters 😂


L • Jan 26, 2019
It seems a few weeks away now but date-wise just think about how the pregnancy has gone so far - if you’re still fairly mobile and feeling energetic a little later will be fine, but if you’ve been struggling with any excessive symptoms, you’ll benefit from having it earlier so you don’t have Braxton Hicks for eight hours straight like I did 😂 Look up Bec Judd, Nadia Bartel or Jessie Murphy for their luxe baby shower table setups, and then go to the reject shop and spotlight and do it for cheap 😜 Oh and if you tap on my first comment it should go big again for you to read 😊


L • Jan 26, 2019
Generally after cake everyone gathers for you to open the gifts. If you choose to open gifts in front of everyone, then have someone beside you writing down the name of each person and specific items so you can remember when you’re showing hubby who gifted what. Then texting them thanks the next day it’s easy ‘we love the blanket/teddy/swaddles etc’, and when you’re using it with baby you have an easy list there to refer to and send a pic or have baby wearing it when you catch up with that person. As we don’t do registries like the US, we found it helpful to have a list in our phones of gifts ranging from $20 to upwards of $100, so depending on who asked (whether single, family member, group of friends pitching in) we had a suggestion ready. It’s super awkward requesting gifts 😂 we actively told people not to bring them because everyone had to travel a fair whack of distance, but if they insisted we would suggest an ‘either/or’ option so they could choose in their budget too. Or if you have lay-bys at baby bunting or somewhere, gift cards are super handy too. At least then you’re not put on the spot and say ‘oh whatever’ and end up with 3500 muslin wraps 😂 they feel comfortable buying something you actually want /need and it helps you tick off your own list of purchases! There are lots and lots of games online which you can set up, personally I HATE the one where everyone measures with a string how big they think your belly is (ha ha look how fat I think you are 😳🙄) but I’m sure there are some cute ones too 😊 we had a guest book for everyone to write their name, due date, weight and gender predictions in and got some absolutely hilarious suggestions 🤪


Posted at
I had mine at 31 weeks. I’m almost 37 now and thankfully everything is 100% ready for him to come. I’d send invites out a month or so before.