Birth control


After having my son I chose to go onto the pill as that’s what I used before. They put me on one I never used before even asking to go one the one I was on before, any way I tried that one and didn’t get on with it so I went back and asked to be switched, and I was to the one I used before. I had taken it for 4 months maybe 5 I wasn’t feeling myself ( the way I was before either of the pills) so I decided to stop taking them. Me and my boyfriend haven’t really had sex but when we have we’ve been using condoms and the pull out technique just to be safe, but since I’ve stopped (this was start of November) I haven’t had a period, I know it can take a month or so to leave your system so I didn’t think much of it but it’s nearly feb and still nothing. Any advise would be great

Sorry for the long post