Trying not to stress.


I have a appointment on Monday which I'm super excited for and really anxious. I'll be 15 weeks Monday and I feel good. Like too good. Most of my symptoms have diminished. Occasionally I'll feel a little upset to my stomach. But other than that not much is going on. I've had a lot of issues falling asleep and staying asleep. When I wake up my shoulders and neck always feel really tense. But my boobs don't hurt nearly as bad as they were. I've read over and over again that during the second trimester symptoms tend to fade away and you feel more yourself...well I hate it lol. I honestly miss puking my guts out every morning and feeling exhausted. In a way it was relieving. I've felt movement a few times but for all I know it's gas..I've never been this far along so for me it all feels new. When I lay down I can see my stomach pulsing pretty hard which I've read if you're pregnant it could be your body pumping more blood down there to support the babys growth or something like that lol. So that's giving me a little hope that baby is still growing.They say to enjoy this second trimester as the 3rd will be rough but it's hard to. After 4 loses I can't help but to worry. I'm so scared when I go to the doctor they'll give me bad news. BUT I'm trying my hardest not to think that way and find myself praying almost every night that things are still ok. I'm so ready for Monday but at the same time terrified. I just want this to work out more than anything. So trying not to stress or dwell and trying to think as positive as I can!