Some tea about my parents divorce part 1


So maybe some of you have herd my story for a anyone that reads this you probably havent herd this but uh heres a backround story and some updates... So its been 2 months since I have moved and I feel great, let me just tell yall why we moved. So 1 year and two days ago my life has drastically changed. Besides my dad being an alcoholic January 25th is a day I shall dread. So for my whole life my father has put my life in danger being so drunk all the time. He would always sneak an extra pack of beer or maybe two by walking around to the back of our old house and bringing the extra stuff into his office and then bringing one through the front door. I found this out around age 6 when I knew how to call people and I was so scared I called my mom. Another small story to just get yall informed in why I dont like this man. One day he was so drunk out of his mind that he got on my sisters bunk bed. He got on the top bunk then fell over and hit his head so hard. He had a bad concussion so my sister called 911. I got an ice pack for him and when the firemen were done they said to get him to say the alphabet and count to 10p. So I tried and he didnt know anything after j and 13 I was upset and dissapointed. Alright imma make this a series cause this is really long. This is it for rn.