Late implantation 🤞🏻

Lisa • Madly in love with my husband together 22 years 5 beautiful girls 💗

Has anyone had implantation on 13dpo I thought I was out yesterday I went to the loo and there was af ..... so sucked it up and put a pad on but I never bled just when wiping it turned to a pink then like a light orange colour ? The spotting stopped after about 3 hours no more since yesterday my breasts have been so tender and my nipples are really sensitive I did take a clear blue yesterday morning before I bleed and it was bfn I had a really heavy feeling and a few light cramps on and off but I am due af today and no sign at all ....yet !

I never spot before and only get tender breasts after ovulation

Has anyone had late implantation and got a BFP