Anyone have a gastro bug during pregnancy? How did you cope? Help!

El :) pregnant with my 2nd bump❤

My 8 month old picked up a gastro bug from another bubba and because i wss the one taking care of him of course a day later I'm passing everything yellow from both ends! (Sorry TMI!) Whenever i drink water it comes back up.

My son has vomiting and diarrhoea too but the OH is taking care of him whilst i try not to die upstairs.

I'm 29 weeks pregnant and dare i say it but I'd take the morning sickness back over this anyday.

Help! Is there anything i can take??

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Posted at
You should actually get on the phone to your doctor or OB, or if they’re not open right now to ER as soon as possible if you can’t even keep down water. Dehydration is a huge health risk to you & your growing bub and they’ll need to help you regain fluid quickly


El :) pregnant with my 2nd bump❤ • Jan 27, 2019
Thank you. I'm managing to keep down some water now, still no food though. But already feeling a little better. Thanks for your advice, if it gets worse i will definitely go into the hospital x


Posted at
Yes and it is the absolute worst. It might not hurt to let your doctor know but I imagine if you have it coming out both ends you won’t want to drive in anywhere... just try to drink liquids and stay hydrated.


Katie • Jan 27, 2019
I hope you only continue to get better and better! 💙💙


El :) pregnant with my 2nd bump❤ • Jan 27, 2019
I will thank you. Already feeling a little better, been drinking tiny amounts and often and managed to not vomit for 4 hours now, so fingers crossed!


Posted at
Don’t drink anything for a few hours and when you do just small sips. I was on all fours naked in the bath tub in agony with my son. It was over in exactly 24 hours. Whatever you take will go right through you. Chew on ice if you feel dehydrated but you just have to let your body eliminate the bug.


El :) pregnant with my 2nd bump❤ • Jan 27, 2019
Thank you! Already feeling on the mend (i hope)


Posted at
I just had the stomach bug 26 weeks pregnant .. I ended up in the hospital because I couldn’t keep fluids down, but I would ask your OB for a zofran prescription for nausea! That’s been my life saver and just rest - I was in bed for 3 days, but baby never stopped kicking or going wild - all they cared about was fetal movement and fluids.


El :) pregnant with my 2nd bump❤ • Jan 27, 2019
Sounds horrendous!!!!! I'll go see my Dr tomorrow if I'm still no better, thank you x


Posted at
I was in urgent care over New Years due to awful diarrhea & vomiting every 30 minutes... that’s when we found out I was pregnant! Tests came back positive for pregnancy & positive for rotavirus 😫 they just told me to drink plenty of fluids & rest.If you can, maybe get a stool sample tested to confirm what is going on & If you need to take any extra precautions.


El :) pregnant with my 2nd bump❤ • Jan 27, 2019
I've been drinking small amounts and often and the nausea has subsided for now. X


El :) pregnant with my 2nd bump❤ • Jan 27, 2019
Thank you!


Jennifer • Jan 27, 2019
Plenty of fluids in small amounts** & pedialyte helps for dehydration!