Husband hates me

Honestly where do I start this is so difficult we are trying for our second child my husband was on testosterone replacement therapy for four years with no sperm in November and they put him on clomid and now I think he hates me ! Honestly all we do is argue and fight on the weekends and we cannot go on doing this ! Idk what happened but one day he’s talking about how this is the month we will get pregnant and he’s so optimistic and then two days later the whole world is going to end because idk how to back his truck into a parking spot ! Or he thought church was for 1030 and it’s really for 10 ?! Even though we were still on time ?! I just don’t get it everything is always my fault and he told me we need to have a serious talk because I think after being on clomid for not two months he is loosing it and he cannot go on this way and it’s almost like he’s bipolar I don’t even know who he is anymore and I’m walking on egg shells in you own house trying to hold it together but can’t help but think my marriage is failing over trying to have a second child 😭