Anyone ever thrown up because of weed?

I don’t smoke too often, probably every couple of months for the last four years. But I’ve never thrown up while high. Last night I smoked and became so nauseous I had to go to the bathroom and throw up. My two friends that I was smoking with did not have the same reaction.

All I found online were a few articles saying some people that smoke frequently have developed this side effect. But I definitely do not smoke frequently.

Has anyone ever thrown up because of weed before? I know we’re not all doctors here but any thoughts? I really don’t think it was something I ate because I’m vegan so all the usual foods~sushi, undercooked meat, dairy, etc. aren’t suspects.

Thanks friends 💚

Edit: thanks for all the comments so far! Just want to add that I had a phat dinner and plenty of water beforehand so I don’t think that’s the issue. Also it wasn’t cough induced. It happened about 20-30 minutes after I took my last hit