CBD Oil for Pets

Morag 🌅🧡🌼🍂

Does anyone else give their elderly or ailing pets CBD Oil in their food? My dog is 14 1/2 and it is so hard for her to get up in the morning that we sometimes have to carry her. Once she gets moving she's ok, but her bones and body probably hurt her. We give her pet safe CBD Oil in her food and it's making a HUGE difference. She isn't in such bad pain anymore and she also used to have seizures where she would fall over and pass out/pee on herself. Vet said she wasn't getting enough oxygen/there's an issue with her heart and the pills he could give her would destroy her liver. The seizures have stopped now that she takes CBD oil. Honestly I'm shocked it's helping her live a better quality of life at her age. It's expensive ($50 for a small bottle) but I pay it gladly to keep her healthy. Anyone else do this for their dog or pet?