For the ones that we don't like to people tell us how to raise our bby, mother in law.... Please i need an advice 🤰

So my mother in law is super dramatic and she always wanna look like the good one of the movie and I'm always the bad one. Example I went this weekend with my hubby. I didn't sleep through the night, im 35 w, back pain and my nauseas are back.. I wasn't that exited. But I still was nice with them even if I didn't feel good. Anyway we went to do the groceries and she send a text to my hubby saying that I don't like her that she is trying with me etc... My face was WTH!!!! I didn't do my hubby was trying to talk to her. So that is an example on how is she with me, and I have millions of stories more 🤦

Ok my problem since I'm pregnant she is all the time telling me what to do with my baby, not like an advice! Pushing and criticizing if I don't agree... This weekend was pushing me with co-sleeping, I don't want to do it I have my little bassinet to my side of my bed for my baby and he will sleep in there...I respect the people that co-sleep with their babies, but I don't want to. She is telling me how many times do I have to hold my bby, for how long do I have to breastfeed, how I have to do everything...even what kind of rocking chair I need to get(she says the old style) 🙄

So my problem is not if someone give me an advice is the way that she is pushing me.

And now with everything that I said ...I don't know if tell her in a nice way to stop 🙄 or just keep listening to her to avoid drama... I don't know. Please someone give me an advice.

Note: when my hubby is close she doesn't have this behavior she is super niece when he is close ...the thing is when we are alone.

Anyway thanks I feel good venting!!!!!