Beeare the tmi


So this Friday I was in the hospital for the second time with contractions but now I was 34 almost 35 weeks. This time no one seemed in a hurry to stop them or slow them down which I still find odd. After being checked a 2nd time my hubby noticed something on the nurses glove that to him looked like part of my mucus plug.. I would later see this myself. After telling the nurse I refused to leave without talking to a doctor I get to see the doc. Checked again told I'm at 1cm at most but my contractions are doing something and to expect some blood... OMG I didn't expect to see blood and mucus when I got up to change (with the creepy nurse hovering in the room) and even more when I went pee before we went home. (I've never experienced this.) Sincey contractions have gotten stronger but farther apart. And to add to it I just shit myself like wtf. This is my 3rd but this one is so different. Im honestly just playing the waiting game now and trying not to harm a nurse every time I have to go in