Due date help!

Hello! I had my last period from Nov 22-Nov28, 2018 and I got my nexplanon removed on Nov 28, 2018. My husband and I immediately tried for baby #2 shortly afterwards! There was some light bleeding from Jan 1-Jan 5, 2019 that I mistook for an extremely light period but my nurse said it was probably implantation bleeding. Now since November, I haven’t had a full on period. I got a negative pregnancy test the second week of January but FINALLY got a positive on January 25, 2019. Went to the nurse and obviously they’re going to use the first date of my last menstrual cycle as baby’s due date which puts me at a due date of August 29, 2019. I won’t be able to be seen until the first week of March for my dating ultrasound and I’m just DYING to know even a ballpark due date so we can announce to friends and family. Can anyone help? Thank you!