Cystic Fibrosis Carriers


My partner and I have both tested positive for being cystic fibrosis carriers.

This is my first child and I am freaking out! I understand that our baby now has a 1 in 4 chance of being born with CF but given there was a 1 in 25 chance that I was a carrier and that came back positive I am not liking our chances. 😢 There is absolutely no family history that I am aware of in my family. We knew the link in my partners and that’s why I was tested, but I honestly thought it would just be routine testing and they would come back and say all was ok. I’m just in shock!

I’m all over the place at the moment, I’m only 13 weeks and just had my first scan. I haven’t shared the pictures with friends as I’d planned too, just feels like I have a massive cloud over this pregnancy now.

We qualified for the NIPD blood test as my partner and I carry different gene mutations so they can test the baby’s DNA in my blood for my partners gene. If that comes back negative then all will be clear but if it comes back positive the chances of the baby having CF are increased to 50/50.

I don’t really know the point of this post... I guess I’m just looking to reach out to others in my position or to see if any one has had a baby without CF when both parents were carriers?!

Sorry it was a long one! 😕💔