Clueless Husbands


Just have to share a little funny story from yesterday.

A little back story: I am a little over 36 weeks, this is my husbands first time to experience pregnancy first hand as this is his first biological child. I have two boys from a previous marriage and while he came into their lives young and has been their father for four years, he never had to experience pregnancy.

So yesterday I was laying in bed and he was snuggling me and asked how I was today and if I needed anything, he’s always sooo helpful even if he has a smart ass attitude. I said no I was just a little sore and that I was so tired of having my ribs pushed out and a sore vagina 😂🤷🏼‍♀️

His response, “you know I don’t think pregnant women usually don’t complain about being pregnant this much, and if you don’t like it why do you keep getting pregnant? We don’t NEED more kids if you don’t want too.” “first time moms don’t gripe”. I laughed at him, and told him he should check out the women on my apps, we all gripe. He had no clue what women go through pregnant and it’s been a funny journey.

Other clueless things:

Don’t pregnant women just like randomly puke?

Are you going to start peeing the bed?

Do I watch you get cut open and like help or do I sit there? (I’m having a caesarean) isn’t that easier, since your vagina won’t have to stretch out? WAIT it can rip to your butthole?!

I had no idea you could squirt breast milk.

Why would you bleed after you have the baby?

We won’t be able to have sex again until like the summer. (6 weeks puts us in April but his close friend had a baby and they waited around 6 months 😂)

It’s been a great journey together. I love getting to experience this with a man I love more than anything, just remember ladies... your husband is probably pretty clueless as to what is happening with your body and it might freak him out.

Pregnancy can be frustrating for both parties, it’s a give and take. Just be patient and get through this together ❤️