Hubby come to doc appts?

I’m 13 weeks today and yesterday I had my first OB appt which was very long - almost 3 hours. We’ve had two prior miscarriages before and this is the furthest I’ve gotten so it’s exciting. Hubby came yesterday with me but was a real pain, complaining Bc it was taking so long and he barely looked excited. Maybe he’s just nervous Bc we’ve miscarried before or he’s scared to be a dad. I’m just thinking I won’t ask him to come to anything else because it’s making me more upset and I would rather not have the headache. Or I will just ask him to go to the ultrasounds and that’s it. I have an appointment with the MFM tomorrow Bc I’m high risk and thinking to not even ask him to go. How many of you did your husband come with you a lot ? Did they ever complain? I am hurt Bc it feels like he’s not interested and if he’s like this now what will it be like once the baby is born.