Migraine Aura

🌹Jenni🍀 • 🌸Jenni💐Mother of 4 Earth Babies🌿n. Mccc czdsr i

I hate auras. I hate them with a passion. It starts out like I’m sun blind & turns into a freaking psychedelic worm. 😡😡 It takes hours before I can see properly again. Then I’m left with a killer headache, excessive tiredness, & bad nausea. This is BS and I can’t get any drs to do shit about it. Not my neurologist, not my OB, not my PCP. 😡 Sumatriptans don’t help (they make it worse & it makes my face hurt so bad) & topamax is bad during pregnancy now a days. I’ve been dealing with the aura since I found out I was pregnant, but I’ve had migraines for years. Grr. 😡😡