Mother in law advice...


Sorry in advance for the long post. My mother in law has a very hard to deal with personality, she’s very overbearing and has absolutely no filter. She has a tendency to do what she thinks is best without consulting who it’s going to affect. The other day she texted me and told me she was buying us a really nice jogging stroller and I wasn’t sure what to say so I just said thank you. She knows me quite well and I have not jogged or ran a day in my life unless it was forced aka gym class or something 😂. It’s not something I enjoy and if I do go for a hike with my husband it’s always a simple one with a nice easy trail. My husband hasn’t been around babies very much but I however have never not had a baby in my large family. Whenever we’ve gone out with a baby and done a hike or something they’ve been in a carrier like an ergo or something alike. The most places I would use a stroller would be if we go shopping or for a walk downtown so I really feel a large jogging stroller would be inconvenient especially since it probably won’t be able to hold the car seat in for when they’re younger. I really don’t want her to spend a lot of money on something we won’t use very much when we’re in need of a car seat and she could get a travel set for around the same price if not cheaper. Am I just putting too much thought into this or what? We don’t have a lot of storage in our home either so I don’t know where we’d put a big stroller 😅