Rainbow baby❤️

Janelys • Puerto Rican🇵🇷 22years Old 💁🏽 Married💍 Mommy To Three Angels👼🏽👼🏽👼🏽💕 TTC My 🌈 Baby❤️

I had a scan today and they were able to see a baby and a heartbeat (i saw that the heartbeat was between 119-130) according to my last period I should be 8w5d today according to my last period which was from November 28,2018-December 4,2018 but they said I’m measuring 2 weeks behind so I’m 6w5d today. Has anyone had something similar happen to them? Any success stories? I have faith that this pregnancy is going to go well and that I will have my rainbow in my arms. I am due September 19th,2019. Here’s a picture of my scan today.