Have you been wrong?

Have you ever thought your SO was cheating, but they truly weren’t?

I love my husband so much, and I have never had a feeling like this before. For some reason tonight something is just off.

First, he forgot to tell me that he wasn’t coming home after work. The original plan was he was going to come home, then he and a friend from church were gonna go eat and go to their men’s group together. The friend’s kids are sick, so those plans changed, but husband didn’t say anything until I asked him about it.

Then he texts me a few hours later and says he’s with a different friend. He said they went to get coffee and were hanging out until friend’s movie started. Husband calls me and says he just dropped friend off at the theater. I ask who he was seeing the movie with, and he said alone. I said “aww”. Husband said he wanted to see the movie too. I told him he could if he wanted. He said no, he would come home since he hasn’t seen me all day. Then he said, “But it is only $5.” He then tells me he has to go because friend is getting back in the car. I asked why. He said because the movie doesn’t start for a while.

We hang up, then I text a little bit later to ask how friend is getting home if husband doesn’t stay for the movie. He says that friend has his car, so I asked why he dropped him off. He said it was confusing and he’d tell me later.

It just didn’t sit right with me for some reason. Then I looked on “find your friends”, which we keep on each other for safety reasons, and it was showing him at a bunch of different spots (I assume driving around.) it was just strange.

Am I completely paranoid?! I will try to have a rational conversation when my husband comes home. Just wanted opinions in the meantime.

Update: He got home and explained everything: how men’s group moved locations, friend’s car got left at their Bible study location when they went and got a snack, so that’s where he was dropping him off, then they met back up at the movie theater to just kill time before the movie. They ended up driving around because husband was showing our friend possible assisted living locations for his grandpa.

I know that I have a fear of being cheated on because it’s happened in the past in the majority of my relationships. My husband always says he never would do that, but I guess my loneliness tonight got the best of me!