Just got confirmation.... we lost the baby.


Just got a call that my hcg level went down to 6. We lost the baby at 5 weeks. I started bleeding heavily and having contractions on Sunday. At first I thought they were cramps and it was normal but something in me told me something was not right so I went to urgent care. I started bleeding on my way there. I keep telling myself the miscarriage wasn’t my fault but in the back of my mind I keep thinking that I did this. Last week was just a tremendously stressful week at work and at home, and in my head, the way I let the stress get to me and the anxiety attack I had on Friday caused this. And I feel so guilty. I would never tell my husband this because he’d tell me I’m wrong but I honestly feel this.

So ladies, listen to you bodies, love every second you have with you littles, and realize just how blessed you are! Nothing is more important than you taking care of yourself and your babies.

It wasn’t my time, but I have to entrust that my time will come. Until then, goodbye September 2019 mommies! I wish you all a healthy pregnancy and healthy beautiful babies!!