Do my friends even like me?


This is more of me just ranting and I just want to get it down. I just feel like I only annoy my friends with my depressing humour and weird personality. I have some people who I do feel like they actually like me but even then i just keep having doubts that they are just doing it because of pity or something.

I have two main friend groups that I go with but within them there’s other smaller groups and I’m not really apart of any of them. I just kinda sit there and make jokes.

I guess I also just feel like I’m not good enough for them.

I’m not interested in having a relationship or anything cause I’m only young but i’ve been wondering if anyone would ever even like me in a romantic way anyway. I’m not exactly attractive or anything.

Anyway yeah, I just don’t feel that confident and the school year is starting and I don’t have anyone that I’m close with in class. Only the bitches and people who I’m friendly to but not close too.

Anyway I just wanted to write this cause it makes me feel a little better.