Like it happened yesterday...


I lost my mom almost 11 years ago. I was 23 and I felt like a grieved my loss normally and life went on... I thought about and missed her everyday but felt like I handled it ok. Fast forward 10 years... I had my first baby in Aug 2018, it was hard to do it without my mom and in December I really realized that I was having postpartum anxiety, I went to my dr for help (meds) but the more I think about it the more I realize that I'm suddenly grieving my loss again! It's made me scared to lose my dad, or that I'm going to die young on my baby!

I'm not sure how to deal with this... I just put a few minutes aside each day to grieve and cry until feel like I dont need to anymore? Do I need therapy?

I have a solid group of long term girlfriends but I've never really wanted to talk about it with any of them... I also have my moms best friend who has been my biggest supporter, shoulder to cry on and knows my mom, myself and my family better then anyone. We recently reconnected and shes become the closest thing to my own mom I have but I dont want to burden her with my anxiety. I'm just not sure how to regrieve this.

In all the years since shes past this one has been the hardest... I just didn't expect it.

Anyone experience something similar? How did you deal?