Just had a whirlwind 3 hour labor

Update!! 12:14 full story of my labor:

Ok ladies!! Let me tell you the story of my 3hour roller coaster labor 😂

I started feeling contractions around 5pm but they werent bothersome at all. Around 6:30 I was making dinner and they started getting a little worse but still not that bad.

Around 8 I was like ok..these things are getting worse. I started timing them and they were right around 53 seconds to 1 min long and 5-6 mins apart. I took a shower but they werent letting up. I texted my doula then and she told me to track them for 20 more mins. After 20 mins they were 1 min long and 3 mins apart. She told me to go in.

My husband and I left and went down to the hospital but still the contractions were painful but still manageable in my opinion. We got to triage and they said I was 4cm dialated and 70 effaced. They told me to go walk for 2 hours and come back after 12🙄. This was around 10:30pm.

We went down stairs and walked for 30 mins. Every contraction during that 30 mins got worse and worse. I texted my doula "I'm dying" 😂 she said she was on her way. She found me in the bathroom holding onto the sink in painnnnnnn! She said we were going back upstairs, this was 11pm.

We got back upstairs and they checked me again I was 6cm they said they were admitting me. As soon as I got in my room I was SCREAMING. I was in so much pain I think I even threatened to bite off the hand of the next person that touched me 😂. They checked me again I was 9cm dialated - it's almost 12 am now.

The anesthesiologist came in and I signed for an epidural at 12:15am. She didnt even get back with the needle before they checked me again and saw I was at 10cm 😳.

Doctors/nurses rushing everywhere they got my legs up. 2 pushes later and she was out!! My husband was stuck in a daze!

Here she is...Khari Ariel 😍 born at 39 weeks exactly!


Just had a whirlwind 3 hour labor. Babygirl came out in 1 push. #imbeat and all natural no epidural 😭

39 weeks exactly, due date was 2/6

5lbs, 14oz

I'll post the full story later.